Friday, December 28, 2018

Bald Eagle

Everybody knows this raptor - the Bald Eagle, the symbol of the United States of America. They have been increasing in numbers in the Texas panhandle as well as most of the rest of the country. We are shown to be in its Wintering range.

These majestic birds will eat most anything - fish (its preferred cuisine), other birds, rabbits and muskrats, prairie dogs, carrion, or anything it can get its talons into that's edible. They will also steal prey from Ospreys or other birds - obviously, opportunistic predators. They hunt from high perches, but will hunt low over fields much the same way that Northern Harriers do.

Bald Eagles nest in very tall trees, on cliffs, and sometimes on the ground. They have 1 - 3 eggs that incubate in 34 - 36 days. At least one parent is always in the nest for the first two weeks. Both will feed the hatchlings by tearing pieces off the prey and feeding it directly to the young. At around 3 - 6 weeks, they will start pecking at food dropped in the nest.

Mature Bald Eagle

Three Mature, Three Immature Bald Eagles

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